Best Blogging Platforms for Developers [2024]

The best blogging platforms for developers are those that not only facilitate seamless writing and publishing but also resonate with the technical finesse of a coder's mind.

If you are seeking a blog platform for developers, you'll find valuable information in this post.

First of all, I am a Python and JavaScript developer. I know how difficult it is to find a publishing platform, and I have tested and experimented with many of the best blogging platforms.

I decided to write a blog about what I learned recently and share it with the community. I planned to do this most simply. First, I tried it with Django. After that, I moved to open-source blogging platforms such as WordPress and Ghost. After that, I decided to use Next.js.

Because of an obsessive attitude about anything I desire, I want everything to be the way I want it. On the other hand, many developer blog platforms force me to do things their way. This was also a means of confronting me with some challenging situations.

In this article, I'll mention the most frequently asked questions on blogging platforms for developers and the challenging issues I've faced. The last part of this article lists the best publishing platforms for developers. 

faq on blogging platforms for developers

Frequently Asked Questions on Blogging Platforms for Developers

What is a dev blog?

A DEV blog, or a developer blog, is dedicated to sharing information, knowledge, and experiences related to software development. We call a platform as a developer blog platform, because It's a platform where developers can share their coding journey, tutorials, and experiences with others in the industry.

Can I use Al to write for my developer blog?

While AI can be a helpful tool for producing content, it's not the most appropriate option for developers. As a developer, you want to showcase your coding skills and knowledge, and AI-generated content can't replace your own authenticity. Plus, search engines favor human-generated content, so it's better for SEO.

Should I use WordPress as a developer?

A popular choice for bloggers, WordPress isn't the best choice for developers. A content management system (CMS) such as WordPress is geared toward non-technical users. Developers who want to customize their content and control their website may find it restrictive.

Do programming blogs make money?

Programming blogs can generate income if you use them to promote your services, products, or courses. You can also make money through advertising platforms like Google AdSense.

How do you write content for developers?

When writing content for developers, it's important to remember that they are a technical audience. You want to ensure your content is informative, concise, and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon, and provide examples to illustrate your points.

challengings of blogging platforms for developers

Blogging platforms for developers: Challenges and solutions

One thing that I found challenging was that various blogging platforms or CMS's have a missing feature that I couldn't put <code>nofollow</code> value to the <code>rel</code> attribute of an anchor link.

This feature is especially important when it comes to search engine optimization.

Let me explain. One of the three/four pillars of ranking is your site's authority.

A site's authority is measured by the links from other sites that lead to your site or pages, called backlinks in the SEO-ecosystem. For example, a link coming to your site from a site that has become very specialized in a certain area and a link from a spam site will have many different effects.

Rel equals nofollow is a must-have feature for blogging platforms

As a result of these links, authority is passed on to other pages, as well as links pointing to your blog. You can read the article that explains qualifying your outbound links.

You can set rel='nofollow' to the link if you don't want to pass your authority to an external page that you must mention in your post. Google also advises us to use rel='ugc' (user generated content) in which the outbound links are inserted by the users of your blog.

It amazed me that even enterprise-level CMSs, which cost thousands of dollars per month, lacked this capability.

However, I made a list of blog platforms that support nofollow link feature.

Syntax Highlighting

One of the problems I encounter is the syntax highlighting problem, which is a must-have for any blogging platform targeting developers.

Syntax highlighting example

I have set up highlight.js or prism.js libraries before. I can honestly say that they are pushing me a little bit. I should also mention that these syntax highlighting libraries increase your bundle size.

I find it useful to talk about two syntax highlighting libraries that I have come across recently.

Image Optimization Features

Use Modern Image Formats

Image optimization is a must-have feature for all blogging platforms.

In particular, the fact that we can use images in WEBP or AVIF format is one of the modern image formats that we want in a blog platform. These formats let you reduce photo size seriously. 

This is a bit of your job as a developer.

There are usefull tools to compress and transform your images:

For people who want to take it one step further, you can read Optimize Images for Developer Blogs.

Load images lazily

Lazy loading of images is another important feature we're looking for.

Essentially, this is a browser feature. Yet, you can set the loading attribute of an image to 'lazy' to tell the browser to load the image lazily.

lazy loading images

By doing so, you will be able to significantly increase the upload speed of your blog page for the first time.

As a result, I've gained a lot of experience with different blogging platforms in my blogging journey. It would be OK for me to share my knowledge and I've made this list of the best blogging platforms for developers.

Features to look for in blogging platforms for developers

What features to look for in blogging platforms?

When evaluating blogging platforms for developers, there are several key features to look for in a blogging platform. These include code syntax highlighting, custom domain support, version control integration, markdown support, technical SEO capabilities, security measures and marketing related tools.

In the dynamic world of web development, where sharing knowledge and insights is as crucial as writing code, developers often look for blogging platforms that cater to their needs. As a developer seeking to establish an online presence or share your expertise with peers, choosing a site among the best blogging platforms that align with your technical requirements and personal preferences is essential.

  1. Code Syntax Highlighting: This feature is non-negotiable for any developer-focused blog. Platforms offering robust syntax highlighting ensure that code snippets within posts are readable and aesthetically pleasing—crucial when conveying complex programming concepts.

  2. Custom Domain Support: A custom domain reinforces your personal or brand identity and enhances credibility in the eyes of readers who value professionalism.

  3. Version Control Integration: Integrating version control systems like Git can streamline content updates and collaboration among co-authors or contributors within the development community.

  4. Markdown Support: Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read format, which then converts into HTML for publishing—a preferred method among many developers due to its simplicity and efficiency. You can also check other markdown blogging platforms.

  5. Technical SEO Capabilities: Search engine optimization (SEO) tailored towards technical content helps increase visibility amongst targeted audiences searching for specific programming topics or solutions.

  6. Community Features & Engagement Tools: Blogging platforms having interaction capabilities such as comments system, forums, or even Q&A formats encourage community engagement—an invaluable aspect when building a network around shared interests in technology.

  7. Analytics & Insights: Understanding audience behavior through analytics tools can inform future content strategies by revealing what resonates most with fellow tech enthusiasts.

  8. Robust Security Measures: Given their technical background, developers appreciate platforms demonstrating strong security protocols protecting user data and privacy.

  9. Category System: Categorization is crucial if one of your intend includes rankings on search engines. You can read more: Guide for Creating SEO-friendly URL structure.

Best blogging platforms for developers

Best Blogging Platforms for Developers

Now let’s delve into some of the best blogging platforms for developers:


Webflow has positioned itself as a formidable player in web design and development, particularly with its recent advancements that cater to developers. It's not just a visual website builder; it's an innovative platform that bridges the gap between design and code, offering seamless integration with cutting-edge tools like React and Figma.

For those who thrive on using React—a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces—Webflow acts as a powerful ally. By allowing developers to export clean, semantic code from their Webflow projects, they can effortlessly incorporate this into their React applications. This synergy enables developers to leverage Webflow’s intuitive design capabilities while maintaining the robustness of React for dynamic functionalities.

Moreover, in UI/UX design collaboration, Figma stands out as an industry favorite due to its versatility and collaborative features. With Webflow’s new developer-friendly updates, there is now an even smoother workflow between Figma designs and live websites built in Webflow. Designers can create intricate layouts in Figma and then translate them directly into responsive websites without losing fidelity within Webflows’ visually-driven environment.

This convergence of tools signifies more than mere convenience; it represents a paradigm shift where designers are no longer siloed from developers or vice versa. The ability for these roles to overlap—and do so efficiently—makes platforms like Webflow invaluable assets in modern web development processes.

In essence, if you're looking for a platform that harmonizes aesthetic finesse with technical prowess—where your work with applications such as React or Figma isn't just accommodated but enhanced—then look no further than the ever-evolving capabilities offered by our friend at hand: none other than WebFlow itself.


Hashnode has made significant strides in the blogging platform arena, particularly with its recent unveiling of headless capabilities catering to enterprises and teams. This strategic move transforms Hashnode from a community-centric blog space into a versatile platform that serves more complex organizational needs.

The introduction of headless functionality means businesses can now use Hashnode as a content management system (CMS) while having complete control over the front-end presentation layer. By decoupling the content repository from the user interface, companies gain flexibility in deploying and displaying their blog content across various channels—be it web applications, mobile apps or other digital touchpoints.

You can also check the list of the best headless blogging platforms.

But what truly sets Hashnode apart is its adaptability for corporate use cases; it's also equipped with an editor that packs a punch for developers. The robustness lies within its feature-rich environment, which includes support for markdown editing, code syntax highlighting, image uploading capabilities, and even embedding rich media like videos or podcasts directly into posts—all designed to enhance storytelling without compromising technical precision.

One of the important aspect to mention that HashNode is one of the free blogging platforms that allows you to use your custom domain.

These features are invaluable for developer teams looking to collaborate on technical articles or tutorials as they streamline workflows and ensure consistency across contributions.

Moreover, developers often prefer tools that align closely with their existing tech stack preferences—and given Hashnodes’ commitment towards continuous innovation—it’s no surprise why this platform is rapidly becoming favored among coding professionals who demand both power under-the-hood and ease-of-use at surface level.

In summary: Whether you're part of an enterprise seeking sophisticated CMS options or an individual developer desiring top-tier writing tools—Hashnodes’ latest advancements offer something compellingly unique—a testament to their dedication towards evolving alongside users' growing demands within today's fast-paced technological landscape.


Ghost is a platform that has garnered significant admiration from developers, primarily due to its open-source nature. This characteristic resonates deeply with the developer community, which often values transparency, flexibility, and the ability to customize and contribute to the tools they use.

The appeal of Ghost extends beyond its open-source ethos; it's also highly regarded for its focus on content creation and writing. Developers who have a penchant for blogging find Ghost particularly attractive because it strips away unnecessary complexities and provides an uncluttered environment dedicated solely to crafting high-quality written content.

This dedication towards offering a streamlined user experience means that writers can concentrate on their words without being distracted by overly complicated features or bloated interfaces. The minimalist design philosophy ensures that functionality does not overshadow form but rather complements it—allowing stories and technical write-ups alike to take center stage.

Moreover, since Ghost is self-hosted, developers retain full control over their data—a factor of paramount importance in today’s digital landscape where privacy concerns are ever-present. With this level of autonomy comes greater responsibility but also unparalleled freedom in how one's blog operates both technically and aesthetically.

In summary: For those developers seeking an elegant yet powerful open-source blogging platform—one that aligns with principles such as openness collaboration —Ghost stands out as an exemplary choice . It caters specifically those wishing hone craft writing while maintaining sovereignty over creative output—an ideal blend sophistication simplicity .


Publii is a game-changer in the world of web publishing, particularly for those who appreciate the power and flexibility of open-source software. As an open-source desktop client, Publii stands out by offering users full control over their website management without being tethered to online services or subscriptions.

One of Publii's most compelling features is its trio of editors—each catering to different user preferences and skill levels. Whether you're a fan of visual editing, prefer working directly with HTML/CSS, or enjoy the simplicity offered by WYSIWYG interfaces, Publii has you covered. This versatility ensures that every type of user can craft content in an environment that feels comfortable and intuitive to them.

But where Publii truly excels is in its seamless integration with modern hosting solutions like Netlify as well as other Jamstack clouds. With just a few clicks within the app itself, users can deploy updates rapidly across these platforms—streamlining what was once a cumbersome process into something almost instantaneous.

This efficiency doesn't come at the cost of performance either; on the contrary: because it generates static sites, Publli inherently produces lightning-fast web pages optimized for speed security . The combination ease-of-use robust deployment options makes it ideal choice anyone looking build maintain high-quality websites minimal fuss.

In essence: For developers writers alike seeking powerful yet straightforward tool manage their online presence —look no further than Public . Its commitment providing diverse editing experiences coupled with swift update capabilities via leading cloud services positions this platform at forefront innovation convenience .


Indeed, the common misconception that one must be proficient in PHP to operate a WordPress blog couldn't be further from the truth. WordPress, as a titan among blogging platforms, is designed to be user-friendly—making it accessible for bloggers of all technical backgrounds.

For developers and non-developers alike, WordPress offers an intuitive interface that allows you to create and manage content without touching a code line. The platform's robustness lies in its extensibility; whatever functionality you envision for your blog is likely achievable through the vast array of plugins available within the WordPress ecosystem.

The beauty of this extensive plugin repository is that it empowers users to enhance their blogs with advanced features without requiring deep programming knowledge. Whether you're looking to optimize SEO, improve site speed with caching tools or even implement complex e-commerce solutions—the answer typically resides in an easy-to-install extension.

WordPress’s strength comes not only from its flexibility but also from its massive community support system. Should any issue arise during your blogging journey—from simple layout tweaks to more intricate technical challenges—you'll find forums brimming with discussions and solutions contributed by fellow users and developers eager to assist.

In essence, choosing WordPress means stepping into a world where problems are met by individual ingenuity and collective wisdom. In this place, every challenge encountered has likely been solved before and encapsulated into an easily accessible solution via plugins or community advice.

So rest assured: embarking on your blogging adventure with WordPress does not require PHP expertise. Rather, it invites creativity bolstered by one of the largest support networks online today—an invaluable asset for anyone seeking success in digital expression.

Each of these options brings unique advantages depending on individual goals and aspirations. Whether looking for a simple, straightforward solution or something more integrated into a broader ecosystem, today's savvy software craftsman has no shortage of excellent choices. So dive, explore, and find the perfect fit for your digital storytelling journey!


Medium has emerged as a prominent platform for developers to share their insights, experiences, and knowledge with a wider audience. Its sleek interface and focus on content quality have made it an attractive destination for tech professionals looking to establish or enhance their online authority.

One of the key reasons many developers flock to Medium is its simplicity in getting started. With just a few clicks, one can set up an account and begin publishing articles that reflect their expertise in various domains of technology. The ease with which users can create clean, engaging posts allows them to focus more on the substance of their writing rather than wrestling with complex formatting or design issues.

Furthermore, Medium's built-in audience provides immediate exposure that other platforms may lack initially. Developers find value in this ecosystem where they not only share but also discover content from peers—creating a vibrant community centered around learning and professional growth.

The reputation-building aspect is further amplified by Medium’s recommendation algorithms which help surface your work among readers interested in similar topics. As you publish more content and gain followership within the platform's networked environment, your influence naturally expands—potentially leading opportunities such as speaking engagements, freelance projects ,or even full-time job offers.

In essence: For developers aiming carve out niche themselves digital space build thought leadership —Medium stands out accessible yet powerful tool . It enables individuals craft compelling narratives around technical subjects while simultaneously growing personal brand through organic engagement thoughtful discourse amongst like-minded enthusiasts.


Odoo presents itself as a quite versatile but still accessible business platform suitable for both beginners and experienced people who want to start blogging.

Why Odoo should be considered as a blogging platform for developers is its open-source nature.

It does exhibit robust SEO capabilities with features such as SEO-friendly URL structures and image optimization, though more advanced SEO techniques might necessitate additional plugins or custom development.

The platform might not boast an extensive collection of pre-made themes, but its potent customization features ensure the ability to create unique blog designs rendering this less of an issue.

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform is a modern landing page builder targeted at startups, entrepreneurs, and creatives. While it's not a traditional blogging platform, it certainly offers features that can be used to create blog-like pages. Thus, it can be a suitable platform, if your startup needs a quick landing page.

To all my fellow coders out there poised at their keyboards ready to impart wisdom or weave narratives from lines of code—the quest for an ideal blogging home ends here.

We've scoured cyberspace far and wide for platforms that hit all marks on functionality without compromising user experience; places where creativity isn't stifled by clunky interfaces but rather amplified by sleek design tailored specifically towards developer needs.